Fiven Annual Report 2021 In October 2021, Fiven performed the first self-assessment, and Fiven was awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal with a score of 56/100. The silver rating places Fiven in the top 25% of all companies assessed by EcoVadis. Fiven will be reassessed annually over the next two years to enhance its results step by step. Business Ethics and anti-corruption Fiven is aware that company decisions and actions may have a repercussion on society. The general rule of Fiven is that all parties shall comply with national and all other applicable laws, prevailing industry standards and other requirements to which company subscribes. When laws, industry standards address the same issues, the most favorable provision shall apply to Fiven people. End of 2021, Fiven has nominated a Compliance officer. The Group has also identified a solution to implement a whistleblowing line allowing Fiven Board of Director’s to be warned about any potential business ethics breach. The implementation of the whistleblowing line will take place in the first half of 2022. People Fiven believes in equal treatment of people in respect of ethnicity, religion, belief, disabilities sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression and the Group recognize and respect the uniqueness of everybody working in Fiven. The work environment in Fiven is considered positive. The typical employee of Fiven has several years in service for the company. Production facilities are viewed as corner stones in their local communities. At year end the number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) were 463 compared to 426 end of 2020, these figures are not taking into account the non-consolidated entities in Venezuela. In 2021, Fiven hired people mainly in production department to support growth. Fiven management works actively to extend the share of women into various positions. The population of women has progressed in 2021 and represent 12.7% of the total FTE at year end compared to 11.1% of the total FTE in 2020. In the management group and the board of Directors, women represent respectively 33% and 50 % end of 2021, which is stable compared to 2020. Health, Safety and Environment The company has implemented EHS prevention programs and procedures to mitigate inherent risks of the Acheson process as well as risks associated with SiC processing. The Group is following several KPIs on a monthly basis. In 2021, we decreased the accident frequency rate, TF2 (defined as the sum of lost time accidents and non-lost time accidents divided by the working hours multiplied by 1000000), at 1.6 compared to 3.7 in 2020. This represents 2 lost time accidents compared to 5 in 2020. The Group target keeps on going for zero accidents. In 2021, Covid has still accompanied us all along the year. In all Fiven entities, the focus was on ensuring a healthy working environment for all our employees, and Fiven has applied very strict hygiene measures. Every time one employee was confirmed positive to COVID 19, Fiven organized testing of all direct contacts. In 2021, the Fiven entities have performed the first self-assessment of the ‘Fiven Roadmap’ which includes 29 standards that should be applied in all Fiven plants. In 2022, formal audit will be conducted to identify Fiven entity reaching the ‘Fiven Roadmap Label’. This label will be granted to entities that achieve a certain level of compliance on the main 15 standards out of 29 included in the Fiven Roadmap. The short-term sickness rate for the period shows 2.9% compared to 1.9% in 2020, the increase in the short-term absenteeism is mainly linked to the pandemic. In connection with its Environmental roadmap set up in 2020, we have pursued on implementing the different actions listed in our roadmap. We have made the following progress on the main projects and actions: • Complete the second step of the covering furnace project in Fiven Norge. • Complete a carbon footprint assessment as per the ‘Bilan Carbone®’ methodology • Complete the installation of photovoltaic panels on the factory roof of Fiven Belgium • Start planting trees on our land in Fiven Brazil. In 2021 10 000 trees, mainly native, were planted, and the project is to plant a total of 116 000 trees by the end of 2022 first semester. Local Anchorage No matter the place Fiven operates the Group considers the environmental and social issues of local communities. The presence in a community must foster local, inclusive and sustainable value creation. In this respect, this year for example, our Brazilian entity supported different local associations in offering food parcels for physically disabled people, milk donation for needy children, we also supported Barbacena Hospital in offering a respirator to fight against covid and made a donation to the cancer association. Our Norwegian entity supported a local sportive association and a local association helping youth in difficulties. Fiven also offers reflective vests for new children starting at the local school. Board of Directors’ Report 23