Consolidated statement of income Amounts in EUR thousand Note 2021 2020 1 January to 31 December Revenue 5,6 127 439 99 208 Other Income 32 508 Total revenue and other income 127 471 99 715 Raw materials, energy cost and change in inventory 19 (59 188) (44 493) Employee benefit expenses 8,9,10 (23 557) (21 543) Depreciation and amortization 12,15,16 (5 072) (4 781) Other operating expenses 11 (23 418) (17 883) Restructuring costs (125) (554) Total operating expenses (111 360) (89 254) Operating profit (loss) 16 111 10 461 Finance income 13 356 99 Finance expense 13 (9 635) (9 131) Other financial items (net) 13 686 (2 880) Net finance income (expense) (8 593) (11 912) Net income (loss) before income taxes 7 518 (1 451) Income tax expense 14 (4 581) (1 409) Net income (loss) 2 937 (2 860) Net income (loss) attributable to: Shareholders of the parent 2 937 (2 860) Total net income (loss) attributed to shareholders 2 937 (2 860) Amounts in EUR thousand 2021 2020 1 January to 31 December Net income (loss) 2 937 (2 860) Other comprehensive income: Items that may be reclassified to net income (loss) attributed to the shareholders of the parent: Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 1 174 (9 609) Total comprehensive income (loss), net of tax, attributed to shareholders of the parent 4 111 (12 469) Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Fiven Annual Report 2021 Financial statements 27