Consolidated statement of cash flows Amounts in EUR thousand Note 2021 2020 1 January to 31 December Net income (loss) before income taxes 7 518 (1 451) Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) before income tax to net cash flows: Corporate income tax paid (3 726) (411) Depreciation and amortization 15, 16 5 072 4 781 Loss on disposal of assets (19) - Net finance expense 13 8 593 11 912 Change in inventory, trade receivables and trade payables 1 916 7 035 Change in other receivables, prepayments, and other payables (3 558) (4 102) Change in provisions (600) (154) Other changes (8) (2 648) Cash flows from operating activities 15 188 14 961 Payments for buildings, plant and equipment, and intangible assets 15, 16 (5 646) (3 067) Proceeds from sale of assets 19 - Payment for acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired - (678) Interest received and other changes 292 - Cash flows from investing activities (5 335) (3 746) Proceeds from issuance of bonds 22, 23 70 000 - Repayment of Bond loan 22, 23 (56 500) - Repayment of shareholder loan 22, 23 (15 000) - Net proceeds from factoring/export financing 22 2 741 5 595 Interest, placement fee and other financial expenses paid (9 219) (5 412) Payment of principal portion of lease liabilities 12 (1 360) (1 301) Buy back bonds (roll-over existing bondholders) (2 800) - Payment for shares and bonds bought back 2 800 - Cash flows from financing activities (9 338) (1 119) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 515 10 097 Net foreign exchange differences 106 (1 853) Cash and cash equivalents including restricted cash at 1 January 23 016 14 771 Cash and cash equivalents including restricted cash as of 31 December 21 23 637 23 016 Restricted cash at 1 January 277 926 Change in restricted cash (165) (649) Restricted cash as of 31 December 21 112 277 Total cash and cash equivalents excluding restricted cash 31 December 21 23 525 22 739 Fiven Annual Report 2021 Financial statements 31