Fiven Annual Report 2021

Note 3 Share capital and statement of changes in equity The company has one class of shares. All shares come with full voting rights. The share capital is nominated in NOK. The nominal value per share is 1 000 NOK. Amounts in EUR thousand Share capital Other paid in capital Retained Earnings (accumulated deficit) Total Equity As of 1 January, 2021 101 - (476) (375) Net income (loss) - - 510 510 Contribution of equity, net of transaction costs - - - - As of 31 December, 2021 101 - 34 135 Amounts in EUR thousand Share capital Other paid in capital Retained Earnings (accumulated deficit) Total Equity As of 1 January, 2020 20 2 297 - 2 318 Net income (loss) - (2 216) (476) (2 693) Contribution of equity, net of transaction costs 81 (81) - - As of 31 December, 2020 101 - (476) (375) Note 4 Employee benefit expenses Amounts in EUR thousand 1 Jan–31 Dec 21 1 Jan–31 Dec 20 Salaries incl. bonuses 803 639 Social security cost 108 76 Defined-contribution pension cost (Note 5) 23 24 Other personnel related cost 55 4 Total employee benefit expenses 989 743 For further information concerning remuneration to management see note 10 Management remuneration in the consolidated financial statements. Note 5 Employee benefit obligations (pensions) Defined contribution plans Defined contribution plans are the main pensions plan for Fiven ASA, where the Contribution to each individual pension plan is 5 percent between 1G and 7.1G and 8 percent between 7.1 and 12 G. 1G refers to the Norwegian national insurance scheme's basic amount, which was 106 399 NOK as of 1 May 2021. The defined contribution plan covers all full-time employees. As of 31 December 2021 there were 4 members in the plan. Contribution expensed amounted to 23.4 kEUR in 2021 (23.8 kEUR in 2020). Fiven Annual Report 2021 Financial statements 87