Hexagon Annual Report 2017

INCOME STATEMENT GROUP 01.01 – 31.12 (NOK 1 000) NOTE 2017 2016 OPERATING INCOME Sales revenue 4 1 407 939 1 220 511 Other operating income 28 21 458 0 Total operating income 1 429 397 1 220 511 OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of materials 13 646 062 643 803 Payroll & social security expenses 9,18,27,28 345 449 365 622 Depreciation, amortization and impairment 10,11 74 731 75 611 Other operating expenses 5,14,19,23 263 863 184 404 Gain on carve-out 5 0 -348 196 Total operating expenses 1 330 105 921 245 Operating profit 4 99 291 299 266 FINANCE INCOME AND EXPENSES Finance income 6,24 79 831 99 800 Finance expense 6,20 114 228 85 750 Net financial items -34 397 14 050 Profit/loss from associates and joint ventures 5,26 -16 667 -1 450 Profit before tax 48 227 311 866 Tax expense 7 -21 245 103 563 Profit/loss for the year 69 472 208 303 Earnings per share (NOK) Ordinary 8 0.42 1.40 Diluted 8 0.47 1.42 2 60 2017 AT A GLANCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS