cross-cutting and interdependent, so the developing solutions
to those issues demonstrate the need for collaborations and
connections across traditional silos.
Although there are many factors that hinder such collaborations,
we are currently identifying powerful factors that can support
them. Often it is crucial to have individual champions who
stand out in the different sectors by their persistence, passion,
collaboration, humility and vision, and can forge the bonds of
trust that these collaborations need. Neutral ground can also
be vital, as well as shared accountability and ownership of the
The power of collaboration is what motivated my organisation,
Xyntéo, to found the GLTE partnership, of which Statkraft is a
valued member. By pooling the insight, competence, experience
and resources represented in businesses from a wide range of
geographies and sectors, we believe GLTE partners can make
an important contribution to moving the world to a new growth
model, while readying their businesses to compete in a new
economic landscape.
Meanwhile, we will continue to focus our efforts on better ways
to connect innovative policymakers, representatives of civil
society and business leaders, and how to spread and scale
their most effective collective actions. And although it will take
time to build the trust, relationships and connections that all of
this this implies, we are convinced that extraordinary outcomes
are possible if we join our considerable forces for the sake of all
our common goals. After all, the best way to prepare for change
is to create it.
Just as the challenges we are now facing
are cross-cutting and interdependent, so the
developing solutions to those issues demonstrate
the need for collaborations and connections across
traditional silos.
Gabrielle Walker